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Technology Identification Guidelines

TandemLaunch builds technology ventures based on technologies or groups of technologies that are Consumer Relevant and Impactful.

Consumer Relevant

Consumer relevant defines a group of industries that play a large role in the development of technologies that are widespread across the population (eg. Mobile devices, audio, video, IoT). TandemLaunch builds ventures based on technologies that impact these industries. Technologies can take the form of components, sensors, manufacturing techniques, algorithms and software or even materials. Any technologies that affect the consumer space are relevant to our investment portfolio whether they are B2B (business-to-business) or B2C (business-to-consumer) suited technologies.

Technology domains that we have invested in include:

Computer-vision, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence and machine learning, advanced sensors, wireless systems, video processing, displays, cameras, and audio technology.

TandemLaunch does not invest in technologies that are only relevant to regulated industries (such as medical), however, it will invest in technologies that have both consumer relevant applications and applications in regulated markets.


TandemLaunch builds ventures that derive a large part of their advantage through technological superiority. Therefore, we invest in technologies that represent a significant improvement on the status quo - or produce new features or information that was not available before.

Technologies that represent new approaches to problems, new perspectives, or are the result of interdisciplinary collaboration very often succeed in qualifying as impactful.

Portfolio Examples

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, there is a strong likelihood that an invention will fall within some of our investment criteria.

  1. 1Does the invention relate to a technology relevant to consumers, or consumer technology companies?
  2. 2Does the invention create new capabilities, features or sources of information?
  3. 3Does the invention create a significant improvement in a performance metric of a consumer relevant technology?
  4. 4Does the invention represent a new perspective on a problem?
  5. 5Does the invention come from the intersection of multiple disciplines?
Submission Information

We provide transparent feedback on all technologies submitted to us – regardless of whether or not they fit our investment criteria. Our venture development team can rapidly process submitted technologies so please do not hesitate to submit as many technologies as desired.

Technologies can be submitted in any structure but at minimum, please provide a title and description of what the technology does. Titles and abstracts extracted from associated publications work well.

Technologies that do not fit our investment criteria but that may be of interest to our industry network can be included in our quarterly industry partner report for their review, however, this will only be done upon your request.

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